Tuesday 7 July 2009
Posted 13/7/2009 00:28 (#33612)
Subject: Tuesday 7 July 2009

Posts: 590

Grrr, I can't stand Kris

In fact I think I might hate Kris. Who the hell does he think he is, being so derogatory about poor old Halfwit? Halfwit may be annoying, but he's essentially a good person with a big heart.

Granted, everyone's entitled to their opinion, but Kris’ judgement is pathetic and he reminds me of the cool kid at school who used to put down the clever kid to make himself feel better.

And Noirin is such a cow - how can she laugh while Kris was bitching about Marcus? I know it’s all a bit weird between Marcus and Noirin at the moment, but she is supposed to be his best mate in the house, or at least that's what she tells him.

I'm starting to wonder if Noirin is using Marcus and her looks to try and stay in the house. If she is, she's playing a dangerous game because as soon as he realises, he will nominate her with no hesitation.

Bloody hell, Marcus, why can't you take a hint? In fact, why can't you hear a blatant sentence and take heed of it.

Noirin finally told him: ‘I don’t fancy you,’ but Marcus seems to be suffering from what I like to call typical ‘man ear syndrome’ and only hears what he wants to hear, not what's actually said. So he replied: ‘OK, well if we decide to get together on the outside...’ What?!

Good old love-guru Siavash was at hand to give Noirin and Marcus some wise words, but I felt a bit sorry for Marcus as it sounded like he's starting to feel used by Noirin. Maybe the penny has finally dropped?

Meanwhile I can't help but find Charlie and Rodrigo’s arguments hilarious - their squabbles are becoming almost as predictable as the Big Brother alarm in the morning!

At the moment, it's Charlie, Dogface, Halfwit, Kris and Marcus to face the public vote this week.


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