Friday, 1st August 2008
Posted 6/8/2008 13:13 (#30151)
Subject: Friday, 1st August 2008

Posts: 590

OMG – it was so nerve wracking last night! The boys in blue had to interrogate the Hell housemates one by one to try to find out who was responsible for stealing the token. I thought Dale and Maysoon were good at hiding their guilt, but obviously not good enough! It was a shame that Heaven chose Dale and Maysoon correctly, and now the whole house will suffer by having yet another week of rations! Stu realised what he had done as soon as BB started to explain the twist of the task.

And how embarrassing was it when Luke and Lisa screamed for joy when they thought they had passed their part of the task? Cringe!
Maysoon’s departure was a bit of a non-event in the end. The only thing that sparked emotion in me (laughter that is) was Rex asking what would happen with her cigarettes! At least he’s consistent…

The house pretty much got back to normal soon after. The girls had a mother’s meeting about her departure, but the boys didn’t seem to miss her at all.

As for Lisa, she is pure filth! I was nearly sick watching her eat half a tub of red and brown sauce simultaneously! Then she got Sara to lick the excess off her boob-a-loobs! What would Mario say? Not very health and safety now, is it girls?
Now, why on earth has BB closed the phone lines a day early? The suspense is immense – I can’t wait to see what twist BB has in store tonight. Now Maysoon has walked, I think it has to be between Luke and Rachel. Luke can be so snide, but he is entertaining… Is it enough to save him, though? I don’t think so!

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